Before entering a new market, developing and producing a product, it is necessary to assess the situation on the market in order to make a business decision and choose a strategy.
Before entering a new market, developing and producing a product, it is necessary to assess the situation on the market in order to make a business decision and choose a strategy.
The success of the product and its entry into the market depends on the effectiveness and originality of the formed marketing strategy. How correctly positioning is defined, target audience, distribution strategy, price policy.
Choosing the best digital promotion channels, attracting high-quality traffic with an estimate of sales conversion and conversions, evaluation of the profitability of digital marketing.
We create not only the name and logo, we create an emotional connection between the client and the brand, we increase the value and competitive advantages of the brand.
Business development in other countries requires the necessary knowledge, market analysis and partners.
The structure of the company and its ergonomics are key factors for a successful strategy. Successful implementation of the strategy depends on the team. Is your team ready for changes, adapted to new conditions and the conquest of peaks.
We will go with you all the way from realizing the need for changes to their implementation. Changes can be moderate or full-scale, only one thing is important – they will take your company to a qualitatively new level of development and profit.
TOP managers of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world "Big pharma".
Over 7 years of experience with small and medium-sized of businesses.
Over 13 years of experience in manufacturing companies.
Over 5 years of experience working with digital and retail segments.
The Japanese company B&S Corporation successfully exists in the local market of Japan for more than 100 years. The company is a manufacturer of Lactis, the food supplement consists of 16 strains of lactic bacteria. The plant is a biotechnological production with its own soybean fields. Sales of the drug in Japan in packs per year are 1 million.
I’m grateful to Elena for creature and realizations of the sales model our unique product in the CIS countries. Elena made for us some main things, the first of all she organized sales, the second step is the full cycle to promotion of the product in the market included the registration process, certification, customs clearance and promotion in the area key opinion leaders.
Elena has a huge experience in the global pharmaceutical market and hard professional skills, as well, so we easily avoided mistakes and financial losses when choosing distributor partners in new international markets.
Our company will work with Elena again with a new business task or with a new product line.
I would like to note that Elena’s rational approach to all issues, her tremendous positive energy and exceptional ability to complete any task.
B&S Corporation Co.,Ltd.
Kazumi Nagaishi
The global, innovative company, manufacturer of unique interventional medical devices.
We collaborated with Elena on a training project for several pharmaceutical companies. She proved herself to be a great leader and a brilliant organizer, clear, structured, results-oriented and caring for employees and partners. After many years I continue to consider her one of the best negotiators of all whom I have ever met – there are no impossible tasks for her. I continue to periodically turn to her for advice on building sales of my services and will gladly recommend her to my friends.
Busarova Natalya
Business trainer. Coach.
One of the leading Russian companies specializing in medical equipment for consumables. The company has been operating in the market for more than 20 years and is a leading player in the industry.
I can recommend Elena as a competent manager-manager, aimed at the result, and capable of providing this result at any level of management. Bright leadership qualities, multitasking, strategic thinking.
Evgeny Shinkarev
General Director of TransConditer JSC
The Russian pharmaceutical company the leader in its industry the manufacturer of the food supplements Telomerol, an activator of telomerase with Russian peptide complexes.
My experience with Elena lasts for several years. I sought advice on longevity and overall health of the body. Elena is a very knowledgeable and meticulous specialist. It can answer any question in its field. I like in her not only that she understands how everything works in the body what is connected with it and how to correctly influence one or the other. I like, just like in business she knows exactly how and what works and where you need to make changes to get the result. It offers several options for solving one problem. This saves a lot of time, because you do not need to analyze and compare you just need to choose from the proposed options. In fact, Elena is a professional in her field, that is, a person who is equally good in marketing and sales, analytics and technology. And she is a good organizer who knows how to connect a customer, performer and buyer. Elena knows how to establish contact with various people and satisfy the client’s request. I stay in touch with her and recommend it to my friends as a deep, developing personality and professional in my field of interest.
Dmitry Semin, VIP Life coach, a leading Russian business coach for sales and team building, President of Semin Group
(business training) |
The world’s largest health and wellness company. The company owns the largest retail pharmacy chain in more than 25 countries around the world. The company is a global leader in pharmaceuticals, healthcare retail and a global pharmaceutical distributor.
Such people as Elena are very rare nowadays. She is confident, resolute, consistent and hard-working. She can find the right approach to the most difficult clients. Elena is surely a talented manager. She is distinguished in her capability to reach goals when it seems to be impossible. Elena has wide experience in building strong teams that attract success-oriented employees. During our joint work it was a very valuable opportunity to fully rely on her after the targets had been set and agreed upon. When working together, she met her commitments fully and in due time. I am much pleased to see Elena’s career development. Surely, Elena has a lot of big projects ahead as effective managers have always been in great demand.
Natalya Yeremeeva
Philips Pharmacy Channel Lead
Trade Design Company is a leader in the Russian market of professional trading and technological equipment. It specializes in the complex equipment of trade facilities, catering establishments, hotel complexes, dry cleaners and laundries, gas stations and food production since 1993.
I know Elena for a long time we are already working closely enough on the second project. I would like to note that she is a productive manager, thinking in the categories of results, not forgetting about the process. Able to “dive” to the level of detail if necessary while not losing the general vision of the goal achieved. Able to build an effective team to solve current business problems. These qualities helped her create one of the most effective divisions of the company (Alliance Healthcare) which has high sales figures. In the framework of the current project she showed herself to be a person who can easily dive into almost any new task, identify key points and organize the process in the most effective way. Elena has an active life position she is able to determine the tactical and strategic directions of development of the directions headed by her.
Dmitry Zabarov
Supply Chain Director at SIMPLE
Leading Russian developer and manufacturer of innovative medicines and vaccines.
We invited Elena in one of the periods of crisis for the company. We needed a specialist who has the competencies of a crisis manager and seller at the same time. In Elena, we saw a symbiosis of these qualities. She was able to quickly diagnose errors in business processes and eliminate them. In just a few months, the annual sales plan was implemented for sales in all sales channels, both in Russia and on the international market. She led several projects at the same time, and all of them were completed on time and always with excellent results. We are grateful to Elena for the work done and we can recommend it, on the one hand, as an excellent crisis manager working expeditiously under multitasking conditions, and on the other hand, as an excellent, structural leader, leading people and responsible for the result. We stay in touch with her.
Board of Directors
Pharmaceutical distributor in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
ASNA partner.
For more than 10 years, the company “Health and beauty technology”, like jewelers, has been carefully selecting from all over the world truly the best products in terms of quality and efficiency in the field of beauty and health.
Distributor in Russia and the CIS countries of Japanese Metabiotics Daigo produced by B&S Corporation.
For more than 10 years, the company “Health and beauty technology”, like jewelers, has been carefully selecting from all over the world truly the best products in terms of quality and efficiency in the field of beauty and health.
Move forward and be successful in everything you do! We will help you successfully implement the project, both in Russia and abroad. We will be useful in finding like-minded people. Prepare for negotiations or spend them together with you. We will provide you with useful information. We will find for you a new idea for business development and a source of inspiration. Still have questions ?! Call me! We will be glad to see you among our customers!
With turnover from
With number of employees
With companies which covered
customers worldwide
Head of design and development department
Head of analytics department
Medical Director
Commercial Director
Partner of Regenio Group in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Whoever owns the information, owns the world! Nowadays, it is very important to keep abreast, navigate the numerous flows of information, and quickly adapt to changes.
Talented person, talented in everything! Over the years of professional activity, Elena was able to successfully implement the most complex projects, both in Russia and abroad. Talent and giftedness are two of her eternal companions. When a breakthrough, achievement, strategic vision is needed, you need to turn to Elena. Creative, non-standard and intelligent solutions are implemented in all of her projects. She always prefers difficult tasks her distinguishing professional trait is to bring chaos to order. A separate professional direction in her activities is the construction of cross-cultural communications in the framework of international projects.
Head of design and development department
Digital industry is transformed every year in the face of the constant emergence and development of new technologies. The rapid development of the world of technology requires the same dynamic pace of development from modern business. We will help you to always be in the trend of modern digital technologies.
A good designer is immediately visible, an excellent designer is invisible. With this short, but very capacious proposal, we can characterize Roman. Want to get a design thought out to the smallest detail and spend a minimum of valuable time on the process? The solutions that the novel implements have an author’s underscore. They are usually innovative, aesthetic, unobtrusive and “fresh”. Your target audience will see your product or service as understandable, honest and useful as possible.
Head of analytics department
The key to the successful launch of a new product on the market and sales growth is analytics.
Analytics is common sense * on knowledge.
Over the years, the head of the analytics department, Roman has developed and implemented a large number of programs and techniques that allowed one of the companies to increase its sales and sales managers more than 2-3 times, the second company to rise from 5th place in the federal rating to 2nd place and safeguard this position for subsequent years. Roman specializes in the following areas: sales analytics, customer base analytics (ABC-XYZ), development and implementation of pricing methods, assortment analytics.
Medical Director
Each new information becomes shocking for us, because it shows how much more work needs to be done to understand the world that exists within us.
In the life of every person, a doctor is present at least once. We hope and want the right professional help. I would like to discuss many problems with the doctor, ask questions, as misunderstanding generates fear. Healing and professional implementation for more than 20 years of experience have become for Catherine: work, hobbies, life. Modern life surrounds us with huge volumes of information sometimes it is simply impossible to figure it out on your own.
Catherine is able to determine with a professional look not only the degree and depth of violation, failure in the human body, she does it perfectly in business. She analyzes the “complaints”, diagnoses, chooses the approach in therapy and begins the “treatment”. Ekaterina is a talented person, the professional doctor and the successful business consultant.
Commercial Director
Today, more than ever, effective communications are the centrifugal force for creating,
promoting and maintaining successful projects and companies.
I like to meet new people, industries, analyze opportunities and offer clients non-trivial solutions
that increase sales and business.
Pavel began his professional career as a notary assistant as a student and immediately began to
show interest in learning the specifics of the business in order to provide better service and
advice on complex transactions.
Pavel’s inquisitive analytical mind demanded to try his hand at business, and he continued to
develop his professional skills and competencies in other industries.
Pavel easily adapts to any new industry, domesticate new business geography and the specifics
of his mentality.
Specialist in B2B and B2C sales in various market segments (luxury real estate, metallurgy,
building materials, fashion industry).
Professional in the field of notaries and legal support of transactions for individuals and legal
Geography of Pavel’s international projects: Russia, CIS countries, Canada, France.
Moscow State University Lomonosov, Master, Faculty of Physics
Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notaries, Master
Partner of Regenio Group in the Republic of Uzbekistan
A talented manager, a businessman successfully and effectively solves any managerial tasks.
Talented actions and decisions are the result of talented thoughts. This is the nature and style of
doing business of our respected partner Yunus Isanov.
He was born and raised in a family of doctors. He graduated from the Tashkent Medical Institute
and worked in his specialty for a long time, but after some time he decided to open his own
pharmaceutical company, which is successfully developing today in international markets.
Yunus has a unique experience in the creation and development of pharmaceutical distribution,
the creation from scratch and the launch of brands of drugs and dietary supplements, the creation
and development of a company that is an association of independent pharmacy chains.
Yunus has the infinite respect of his colleagues for his honesty, ability to work and achieve
Today, when the bulk of sales go online, many businessman’s forgetting about the importance of the sales department and its functions, remember that it is necessary to create a sales department only when there is not enough revenue or turnover, as happened with some companies during the pandemic. In this article, I invite you to […]
What to choose centralization or decentralization?!
The evolution of the distribution system in the modern world.
Before telling you about the evolution that is now taking place in the distribution system, let’s remember the meaning of this word.
In the modern world, people have a large number of problems, both with planning their personal time and planning a business.
Business mentors and consultants unanimously shout: “Get out of your comfort zone, be adaptive, start doing what you haven’t done before, developing conditioned reflexes” … and so on.
“Find time to work – this is the price of success.
Taking time to think is a source of strength.
Taking time to play is the secret to youth.
Take time to read – this is the foundation of knowledge.
Take time for religion is the path of godliness.
In the modern world of technology, when much is already available, information remains an invaluable source that can rule the world.
Today in the world there is no person who would not know what marketing is, despite the fact that formally the fundamental idea of marketing emerged and formed only in the 50s.
Many companies do not underestimate the role of business models.
The mistake of many entrepreneurs is that they do not share such 2 concepts as company positioning and product positioning.
I believe that many entrepreneurs from the beginning of the hysteria of the coronavirus have been troubled by painful uncertainty.
Life on the planet originated from a cell, just like our life began with a cell
Why, expanding the geography of business broadcasting and best practices, a successful model is difficult to implement at first…
Perhaps this post turned out to be a little political, it is very significant to speak about the strategy, endurance and resource system, both personal and corporate, on the example of the two great powers of Russia and America.
When a person decides to work for himself, he has 2 ways how he can do this, either he sells his unique skills or talents and works with his head or he can do something very well his hands.
I collaborated with very interesting anecdotal personalities.
I want to share with you the experience of building self-governing teams.
both in business and in personal life.
called “Do not work with assholes”, then I did not read it…
Recently, I see a lot of posts and publications on the topic of Fears and Death.
From the dream of moral goals, about people who need help, about children who need to be cured, about a planet that needs to be saved.
word for each of us and for every sound our whole nature responds. Why are some successful and others not?
People are trying to find an idea, to understand how and where to start.
Today, when the bulk of sales go online, many businessman’s forgetting about the importance of the sales department and its functions, remember that it is necessary to create a sales department only when there is not enough revenue or turnover, as happened with some companies during the pandemic.
In this article, I invite you to remember that the sales department and its employees are the most important people in the company for the reason that they are the ones who generate customers for your business, they can bring a client and earn money for you. The sales department has several fundamental functions for a business ( this is especially important for the project business and business with a long cycle of projects and transactions):
1. Negotiations.
2. Clarification and / or formation of the client’s needs
3. Coordination of the terms of the contract. This block contains the main financial (payment terms, profitability) and legal indicators (rights and obligations of the parties), which can affect your business, both for good and bad, it all depends on the professionalism and motivation of your employees.
4. Аagreements.
5. Trade.
6. Monitoring the receipt of money and the fulfillment of contractual obligations.
Many people think that with each completed transaction, the relationship between the manager and the client ends, but this is not so. A professional manager will always maintain friendly relations with the client constantly interact with him and if the company has other services, it will expand the list of services offered to the client.
Some businessmen believe in digital tools to promote their business and forget about the “word of mouth” that has worked works and will work. If you want to attract VIP customers, attract them using word of mouth “.
Today there are a huge number of tools that help the sales department to work quickly and efficiently, but nevertheless, do not forget about the need and importance of personal contacts, such as visits, calls, letters and other all kinds of social communication with your partners, customers, guests, customers …
What to choose centralization or decentralization?!
When an entrepreneur begins to scale up a business, he begins to think about the structure of process management and the question of choosing either a centralized system or a decentralized one always arises.
In this article, I suggest you look at the pros and cons of both systems, which will help you decide which is best for your business.
The centralized system is chosen by many entrepreneurs developing regional and international business. This system has a number of obvious advantages. The system allows you to fully control the business and makes it transparent, employees work in a unified system of standards and technologies, which makes the business fast, clear and customer-oriented.
The centralized control system has only 2 drawbacks. The system is unable to quickly respond to changes that occur in the external environment: economy, politics, market, and so on. The system is not adaptive, which means that in case of any changes, you will have to adjust and manage it by hand. The second significant drawback of the system is suppression of initiatives. Some entrepreneurs may object and say that this is good, the less the human factor, the fewer mistakes, but on the other hand, the algorithms embedded in the system cannot choose, adapt and quickly solve current tasks.
If you need a quick response to changes in the external environment, choose a decentralized system, since it is this system that supports the initiatives. There is only one BUT you must consider! At all levels of management, each employee of your company must know its functionality, know the communication matrix (decision-making matrix), be responsible for their actions and have the right to make independent decisions. This system is good for those working in the B2C market, when you need a quick response to customer requests and the use of emerging business opportunities.
A decentralized system has its drawbacks, such as a high likelihood of conflicts between employees, chaos in the reporting system, and unclear boundaries of personal responsibility. There is a high risk of destruction of the hierarchical system and demoralization.
In any case, when choosing a management system, remember that the simpler the structure, the more mobile its management and the more chances of success.
The evolution of the distribution system in the modern world.
Before telling you about the evolution that is now taking place in the distribution system, let’s remember the meaning of this word.
The word distributor from the English means to distribute.
The existing distribution system was formed with distribution channels of goods along the chain and all distribution channels involved in this system are multi-level and consist of several wholesale and retail links.
How it has worked and still works in some market segments:
1. Manufacturer – wholesale-wholesale-retail and consumer.
This chain is now working in those segments where marginality allows.
Due to such a commodity supply chain, the Japanese economy collapsed at one time, the supply chain from producer to consumer was so long and consisted of many links of resellers, and when the product reached the consumer, the latter simply could not afford to buy it, since the price was very high.
2. Manufacturer – wholesaler – retail and consumer.
In this model, the small wholesale link is optimized, since profitability and retail prices do not allow maintaining one more link.
3. Manufacturer – retailer and consumer.
The entire FMCG market is now based on this principle, for example, this is how Vkusville launched its project from Russian manufacturers to the table to the consumer.
4. Manufacturer and consumer.
It is to this model that we have come today. Many manufacturers have realized that they can increase or maintain their profitability by selling directly to the consumer. Modern technologies make it possible to actively bring products to the online market, promote them and sell them with delivery to the consumer.
But there are markets where the manufacturer cannot create the distribution channel itself, since the costs of forming the channel will be much higher than if the manufacturer sells through a wholesale or small-scale wholesale link. The wholesale link divides the costs between 100 products with which it works, and the manufacturer will have to bear all the costs himself, which will affect the profitability and retail price.
If you are a manufacturer and are faced with choosing a sales concept, before making a decision, you need to calculate which model is most optimal for your business.
In the modern world, people have a large number of problems, both with planning their personal time and planning a business.
Business mentors and consultants unanimously shout: “Get out of your comfort zone, be adaptive, start doing what you haven’t done before, developing conditioned reflexes” … and so on.
Internet gurus provide various methods, sometimes of dubious origin and with incomprehensible results. All this makes the head spin, and it is easier for a person to stay in his zone, on his sofa, just not to be touched.
Today I offer you a very simple system of use and an existing planning model. You don’t need a mentor or consultant to use this model, you can do everything yourself.
The name of the model speaks for itself: make a plan, check and eliminate inaccuracies, check the performance in a short period of time, for example, in 1 day, if we are talking about personal time, or in 1 week, if we are talking about business and take action.
Imagine your life as your project for which you are fully responsible.
Imagined?! Now formulate what you want in your life, make a list of short-term and long-term desires.
After you have compiled a list of desires, we will criticize it, look at your list and select those desires, the realization of which will make you happy, and answer the question: “Why will I be happy if this comes true, what will change in my life” ?
Checked out?! Now let’s assess whether your global goal coincides with these desires or not?! If not, go back to desires.
Next, we make a plan for the year, month and week, some make a plan for the day. Making a plan for the day and checking it out at the end of the day gives you confidence and motivation.
It so happens that the result does not correspond to the plan, then we urgently need to take action: perhaps we need help from outside, or there is not enough knowledge, then training will help, there are not enough resources, perhaps we need new opportunities or a change in plan.
You must check and evaluate yourself in the terms in which you planned, otherwise the puzzle will not come together.
We’ll talk about planning mistakes next time.
“Find time to work – this is the price of success.
Taking time to think is a source of strength.
Taking time to play is the secret to youth.
Take time to read – this is the foundation of knowledge.
Take time for religion is the path of godliness.
Take time to have friends is a source of happiness.
Take time to love is the sacred gift of life.
Take time to dream – only in this way will the soul reach the stars.
Take time to laugh – it will help you cope with the difficulties of life.
Take time for beauty – it is everywhere.
Take time for health – this is life’s only treasure.
Taking time to plan is the secret to finding time for all the previous eleven things. ”
We all constantly talk and argue about the importance of planning, while forgetting about its essence. In this article, I want to tell you about the essence of planning, where to start, how to implement and use.
Planning is inextricably linked with two actions, such as organization and control, and we will start these actions with ourselves.
Before we start doing something, we have a dream or desire, then we form goals for the realization of our dream. Possible ways of implementation and assessment of the situation arise from the goals.
The most basic thing is to understand yourself and know what I want!!! Errors and falls arise due to the fact that many people make mistakes in knowing themselves and in real desires.
So, if we have decided and understood what we want, we must collect and form all the initial information about the task before us for its implementation.
After collecting and analyzing information, we must set the deadlines for implementation ourselves, breaking down the tasks into tactical and strategic. Here we define the criteria for measuring the effectiveness of our work and actions, they can be quantitative and qualitative. We evaluate and attract the necessary resources, break the roadmap into intermediate terms and evaluate the result.
You must understand and be aware that the capacious word PLANNING is essentially the answers to yourself to the questions:
1. Where am I now and why am I here now?
2. What do I want?
3. Why haven’t I done it yet?
4. What am I willing to do for this?
5. What challenges am I willing to accept?
6. When do I want to do this?
7. When do I want to get the result?
8. What will be the result?
9. What resources do I need?
10. What will be the intermediate result?
11. Who will do it?
12. How will you do it?
13. What will I do if I am not satisfied with the intermediate results?
Having done a great job answering these questions, you will be doing PLANNING, not sublimation.
In the next article, I’ll introduce you to a model that is effective in planning.
The past is forgotten.
The future is closed.
The present is granted.
In the modern world of technology, when much is already available, information remains an invaluable source that can rule the world. What does each of us dream about?! Very often we dream of looking into the future, predicting or predicting it. With the development of the digital world, a new industry has emerged and has begun to develop called predictive analytics.
As William Edwards Deming said: “We believe in God, everyone else must provide data.”
Today, data is an invaluable experience that can and should be learned. Every Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok post, movie recommendation, post discussion, internet scam or online purchase, in other words, every good or bad experience is encoded as data and stored in a database. Computers learn from our data, eagerly consuming it every day.
Many people believe that the data itself is of the highest value. This is so and not so at the same time.
“Raw” data is raw material, but processed data using algorithms is gold.
In this article, I want to tell you about some cases from our life, how it works, because everything that we do with you every day is subject to forecasting: how we consume, think, work, relax, vote, love, reproduce offspring, get married , get divorced, create problems and solve them, cheat, steal, kill, die, and so on.
The well-known American service Netflix will pay $ 1 million to a group of scientists who have improved the system’s ability to predict recommended films that users of this service should like.
LinkedIn’s professional business network predicts your professional skills based on your profile and contacts.
Dating sites predict who they will show you as a potential dating partner.
Supermarkets predict which of their customers is expecting a baby, as the expected birth of a new consumer predicts consumer needs.
In 2012, Obama was re-elected President of America thanks to a system that predicted the behavior of voters, their type of thinking, what they like and what they categorically reject, what method of delivering information is most optimal for them.
Systems have learned to determine your intentions behind written words and comments, so the most innocuous review of a book will be analyzed by the system.
HP evaluates each of its 330,000 employees worldwide for Exit Risk to predict and manage the process.
Cellular operators are involved in predicting the likelihood that you decide to switch to another operator. They analyze data such as: call reset, internet traffic, information about your accounts, your contact list, etc.
Wikipedia predicts which of its free editors are going to stop giving it free help)!
Insurance companies predict which policyholder is most likely to have an accident or break a leg.
Banks predict which of the borrowers may violate obligations and not return the money.
Collection agencies predict tactics that will help them collect money.
Scientists at Stanford University have taught computers to predict breast cancer more accurately than doctors do. The computer takes into account more of these factors when analyzing a tissue sample.
Today, based on peptide biomarkers, it is possible to predict with an accuracy of more than 80% the likelihood of premature birth.
Insurance companies have developed a predictive model and predict your death.
Scientists have developed a model that predicts the likelihood of death during surgery based on patient data.
Banks use predictive technology to counter attempts to use counterfeit cards and attempts to steal money from their customers’ accounts.
Computer predictive models are able to assess the risk of a person re-committing a crime upon sentencing or parole.
It is believed that murders cannot be predicted, but today there are predictive techniques that can be effective.
Inspired by the TV series “Lie to Me,” scientists have created a computer program capable of detecting lies based on facial expressions with an accuracy of 82%.
Tax offices also predict how likely you are to defraud the government and not pay taxes.
Everything listed above became possible thanks to forecasting, but this is not the limit.
With the development of this industry, a new world will open before us, which will amaze with its logic and analytics.
If predictive analytics can exclude beliefs from people’s behavior and replace them with data, we will have a new world in terms of the evolution of consciousness.
“What matters is what touches the customer.”
Edgar Woolart, DuPont
Today in the world there is no person who would not know what marketing is, despite the fact that formally the fundamental idea of marketing emerged and formed only in the 50s. Marketing is recognized by the business as the most important component of success, as the cornerstone of modern management. Let’s remember what marketing is all about. When you structure your business idea into a structure, you are answering a series of questions that I talked about in my article on business models.
One of the key questions that need to be answered is how you will satisfy the consumer, what needs you will cover, and how you see your business from the consumer’s point of view. You don’t need a marketing department to answer these questions; you, as the founder and chief ideologist, are able to do it yourself. Any business always has two sources of income, which are built on customer satisfaction: selling to new customers or selling to regular customers. There is no another way.
In order to satisfy your customers, there are many components to consider, which we will talk about a little later. The satisfaction of any person, first of all, is based on basic emotions in this context – this is trust.
I will give you an example that was used by the founder of an MLM company and which the founders of VkusVill repeated. In the catalog that was distributed to buyers, the founder of the company wrote to the buyers: “I believe that the sale process is over only if the purchase is already worn out and the consumer is still happy with it. Anyone who returns our product if it is not completely satisfactory will be greatly appreciated. If anyone reading this post knows someone who is not satisfied with our product, I would find it very useful to know about it. More than anything else, we want us to have no unsatisfied customers. ”
Basically, the founder of the company says to his consumers, “I trust you.” We are ready to accept any return, at any time, whatever the reason. The item you bought will be replaced or we will refund your money. The mere thought of this instills fear in the top managers of the company, and financiers immediately begin to count losses and show the numbers of the coming apocalypse. But! Consumer trust is at the core of the elusive nature of marketing.
If you don’t trust the consumer – why should they trust you ?!
Many companies do not underestimate the role of business models. A business model is necessary for the development of any company from small and medium-sized businesses, not to mention large companies and holding structures. Many entrepreneurs are afraid of the phrase business model, because I’ll fight in my head and I get the image of some huge document with a lot of information and numbers. In fact, the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. The business model is an indispensable tool in business development and it can and should be written in very simple terms. The business model is based on the product that you create, promote and sell processes in the company. Two “whales” on which the business model is built. Next, we think about its elements, they are also known to you: Clients (target audience), Value of the proposal, Value chain and the mechanism for generating profit. Forming, elements of the system and answering questions: WHAT? WHO? WHY? AND HOW? we make the most clear idea of consumer segments, supply, value and profit. If we depict the model schematically, we get a “golden triangle”. By changing one of its elements, the others will also change, that is, the principle of adaptability of the business system is already laid here, within the framework of which your business will develop. A successful business model creates value for consumers, and the company makes money, makes a profit. Our company has implemented many projects to create business models, both for small and medium-sized businesses, and for large companies. The result that our customers have received is business development and its profitability. We can be useful for you in creating a business model for your business!
The mistake of many entrepreneurs is that they do not share such 2 concepts as company positioning and product positioning. Many people build product positioning, not realizing that the goals and principles of the company play a huge role in the development and scaling of the business. Positioning is designed to create an idea among people about a product or service against a competitor background that you offer them. First you need to formulate the company’s positioning, and then move on to the product or product line. In order to correctly form the positioning of the company, you need to conduct a focus group from your target audience and create a list of questions for the audit. When forming a list of questions, remember that the questions depend on which market you are entering: a formed market, a new market, a cloned market, or a re-segmented market.
If you enter a formed market, then you will build positioning on the description of how and why you and your product are different from competitors.
If you decide to create a new market, then you will build positioning on the description of dreams and ideologies. What in this world would you like to fix? What does your company want to change?
If you intend to work in the cloned market, in this case you copy the model and positioning of the original, for example, as China does.
If you enter a segmented market, you must divide the existing market into segments, understand which of the segments you will work in and build positioning on a unique and understandable offer for the consumer. Here you need to go deep into the details and look for а“bait” that will hook your target audience. Your main task is to create a niche product or cheaper than your competitors.
The list of questions should include the following classic blocks (depending on the profile of the company, the list of questions will change):
1. Company brand recognition.
2. Market: competitors, the difference that competitors like about your audience.
3. Consumers: how well you know your target audience, what problems you solve, how.
4. Product: distinctive properties, how the product will develop, what is unique in technology, offer, etc., compare it with competitors.
5. Positioning: does it inspire confidence, what associations does it inspire, mission and values, do they inspire confidence.
6. Competitors: competitors in the first year the product enter the market, the main competitor, a strategic development plan that will allow them to develop and outperform competitors.
7. Sales or building distribution: the distributor helps or interferes with how effective the company’s trading strategy is, whether the price proposal for the consumer is correctly formed.
8. Strengths and weaknesses: swot analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the company and product, positioning, partners, etc.
9. Trends: development, who is the leader in the field, what business trends should be developed in the first place, the choice of opinion leader.
10. Information on attraction: what is the best way to convey information to your consumers, what or who influences the formation of consumer opinions, which is interesting to your consumers.
After the focus group, you will have invaluable information in your hands that will help you look at positioning through the eyes of your customers and shape or reformat the positioning, image of the company and product. As you expand your business, your target audience will expand too, and here it is important to remember that you need to regularly focus the group with a new audience and make adjustments to positioning, otherwise you risk losing sales conversions.
Remember that product positioning is built on its characteristics, which will be specific to each type of market. The positioning of the company should answer consumer questions and proceed from their needs. Superlatives such as: the simplest or the best do not bear absolutely no meaning and do not work. You need to formulate provable statements, and then your consumers will believe you.
Our company has extensive experience in conducting focus groups in various countries of the world. We can build the positioning of the company and brand, develop logos and concepts for promotion and development.
I believe that many entrepreneurs from the beginning of the hysteria of the coronavirus have been troubled by painful uncertainty. Yesterday everything was “transparent” and “understandable” within the framework of the established business reality, today the reality has changed dramatically, offering us to leave our comfort zone, live in the conditions here and now, showing the real value of the entire analytics and planning system. But, nevertheless, life did not stop, but only froze for a while, giving us a unique opportunity to think, to see new horizons and business opportunities. I will not speak here about the economic situation as a whole and about government measures and support for business, since a lot has already been said about this. I propose to use this time as a reality simulator and focus only on opportunities. An entrepreneur is a certain type of personality, a person who loves his freedom, idea, his business and is ready to take risks. At all times, entrepreneurs took conscious risks and took responsibility for a large number of people. What to do if the business is on the verge of bankruptcy or do you think that you are going out of the crisis bankrupt?! There is no universal answer here and cannot be. We must ask ourselves a second question: “What can we do now so that the business continues to work?!” We can calmly develop the company and at this time, we need to perform two simple exercises: optimize business processes (ATTENTION! NOT PEOPLE! We always need people if you optimize people now or send them on unpaid vacations, you strongly demotivate them, and tomorrow, when the crisis is over, you will get disloyal employees) and discover new directions that are relevant in the here and now. For example, in the conditions of the recommended self-isolation of citizens, companies began to develop a service for delivering everything you need to your home, restaurants began to open their shops for the production of confectionery or culinary products, and they also sold for delivery in supermarkets. The most important thing is to disconnect from the general background of panic and see an opportunity that will help you not only survive this time, but also successfully develop your business further. There is always a way out, and even if you don’t see it today, tomorrow it will become obvious to you, as they say, “morning is wiser”!
Life on the planet originated from a cell, just like our life began with a cell. Look at the cell. At first glance, it looks very simple and straightforward. A cell is an elementary structure and a functional unit. Now let’s look inside the cage. An unimaginable world opens up before us, full of complex structures and interactions. When the cells in our body work as a single and harmonious mechanism, we are healthy, full of strength and energy, create and develop. But as soon as happens, one minute malfunction, the whole system instantly responds and malfunctions. Failure at the cellular level or cellular apoptosis in our body leads a person to death. As you can see, the life of cells is full of dangers, passions and very diverse. Let’s draw an analogy with the structure of the company. The owner, as a rule, starts a business alone, in a huge world system he looks like a cell. Then he develops the company, people appear, functional, structure is formed, that is, business takes shape. As long as the system and people work harmoniously, the company develops, but the larger the company, the less stable the system becomes. The owner, as a rule, does not keep pace with the changes taking place on the five-year horizon of planning and development, which leads the company to the first crisis. And at this point in time, the life of the company begins to resemble “soap operas” of passion, intrigue, investigation. In my professional career, I saw several such options, for example, large, international companies that worked as a single organism and disappeared overnight due to errors at the micro level.
International scaling of the business.
Why, expanding the geography of business broadcasting and best practices, a successful model is difficult to implement at first, and then does not work at all in the new market?
We took into account the mentality of the new market, built a business model on the basis of analytics, developed a marketing strategy, formed a product portfolio and picked up a team, but despite this business stagnates.
With this case I was approached by the owner of the company in country X.
The business was established at the beginning of the 90, successfully developed, as a result of which by now the owner has several companies that diversify risks, both domestically and internationally.
The problem is that the business in “mother country X”, feeds the business in country Y, as the business model does not work.
In order to quickly and effectively understand what is wrong, I always start “strangled-professional” conversations with employees, in this case, I used two strategies: presentation of a new product for the market and personal “debriefing” with each of the employees. Presentation of a new, unknown market product, shows how much employees are motivated to achieve the result and the company, their adaptability to changing market conditions, their techniques in working with the current portfolio, clients, market, etc. “Sincerely-professional conversations” allow us to understand the motivation of the employee, his ability to assess the strengths and professional development, to assess the climate within the team, identify the opposing sides and grey cardinals.
So why doesn’t the business model work?!
On the one hand, it can be called a “classic of the genre” the Director of the company in the country Y does not have a key survival skill in the modern business environment, namely ADAPTABILITY, he does not apply the proposed algorithm and strategy, based on his “many years of experience and knowledge”, which do not allow the company to develop.
On the other hand, the formed team is not a team, the employees are divided into several opposing camps, in other words, they have no motivation, and they spend their energy not on positive development, but on destructive, that is, destruction.
This problem often occurs when you manage your business remotely. The owner, in order to mitigate this risk should either know all the details and be ready to replace the employee, which happens very rarely in practice, as the owners of this development stage company to become very lazy (that’s a topic for a separate case), or run over for the first 3 years of the company’s development and strategy implementation, employee of subsidiary of the company, which has become increasingly common.
Perhaps this post turned out to be a little political, it is very significant to speak about the strategy, endurance and resource system, both personal and corporate, on the example of the two great powers of Russia and America. So, Russia and America !!!The history of relations between the two leading countries of the world has always left much to be desired, and even during the “thaw” leading political scientists of the world could not give accurate forecasts and show the vector of development. Russia – you cannot understand Russia with your mind, you can’t measure the common arshin: it’s special to become- you can only BELIEVE in Russia. America is like that guy at the party who treats everyone with cocaine, but nobody likes it anyway.
The historical formation of America as a superpower took place very rapidly, in just 2 World Wars, America was able to earn “initial capital” from the arms trade and make the American dollar a world currency, since only the dollar in 1944 was backed by gold and then the United States for many years became the “world banker”.
The historical formation of Russia took a very long and painful time, Russia has always been in lengthy processes of civil and world wars. Everything has changed only since 1929, when the USSR headed for the transformation from an agrarian state into a LEADING industrial one. The relationship between the industrialization of the USSR and the victory in World War II has not been proved, but it is obvious that the USSR was ready for war, since military power, measured in units of technology, outnumbered the power of Great Britain, France and Germany together. Both countries at about the same time began their development and after the Second World War appeared before the world in the form of leading powers. Each had its own path, the finish pedestal turned out to be one.
What the two countries fought for during the Cold War, which lasted until 1991. The leading powers of the world, having all the necessary resources, decided to return to the eternal list of issues that, it would seem, have already been resolved: territories, resources, ideology. Powers fought for world domination. The USSR was called the evil empire precisely from there, and this famous expression went, and America decided that it had won the race because the USSR collapsed.
Let’s look at the current relations between Russia and America, how many similarities can be found by drawing a parallel with history. I believe that everything is 100%: the struggle for territory, an arms race, confrontation, destabilization of the economic situation (imposing sanctions has always been a favorite method of the United States), psychological and ideological war in the media, interference in domestic politics, active intelligence, leaderboards and a ban to enter. Both countries want to dictate their rules of the world to the world, divide the world into warring camps and continue to play their game. We are very different mentally and 100% identical in our needs.
The basis of any relationship is the political basis and needs, as a rule, they lie in the field of our instincts and subconscious. If we, it turns out, bring these blocks to the level of awareness through awareness and acceptance, then we, it turns out, develop our RESOURCE system.
When a person decides to work for himself, he has 2 ways how he can do this, either he sells his unique skills or talents and works with his head or he can do something very well his hands. The basis of any business is an idea, ideals, principles, self-realization and only then money. A Business that has developed rapidly needs reformatting and a new strategy for 3-5 years, but, as a rule, when a company has grown very quickly, an owner doesn’t have this strategy and Laziness is added to this point. A person who developed a business, first does absolutely everything himself – with his hands, then gradually recruits employees and after some period of time he decides that he should do nothing more, he doesn’t want to, and let an employees do everything. It is at this moment that the onset of the crisis is imperceptibly approaching, as an owner begins to lose the connection with the real life. Can this be avoided?! I think that here, it all depends on the subjective factor, that is, on the personality of each person if he is ready to admit his mistake, take off his pink glasses and return to the real business life – he will do it, if not, then to nothing, as they say and no trial. Recently, I very often see business owners who, in the literal sense of the word, «left behind», having developed the company to a certain level, they decided that they had enough, let others work. Why do I see them?! This is a very simple, because after the «separation» their intuition begins to shout to them: «Hey, man, something is going wrong» and they turn for advice. Everyone’s question is approximately the same: «I don’t understand at what moment, something went wrong». Please, be so critically of yourself, especially, when the company is developing and you have some illusion, that everything is fine. Everything in this world can be just illusion, don’t lose the connection with the real life, as very often as way passed, it is very difficult to correct the situation, you have to break and built everything from scratch.
For several months I collaborated with very interesting anecdotal personalities. Two business owners have been working together for more than 10 years and they have a crisis, both in personal relationships and in business. They decided that they needed an “arbitrator” who would solve all their difficulties. A “judge” came and begins to show them and say how and what to do, “two comrades” begin to refuse to implement the recommendations and say: “No, we don’t want to.” As a result, the crisis between them worsens and they diverge.
Why is there a “climax” in the relationship between partners? When people decide that they will create and develop a business together, at the “entrance” they understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, assign responsibilities, agree verbally or in the form of a partnership agreement and invest their competencies and finances in the project. But the faster the business develops, the more contradictions become between partners, the hotter disputes erupt between them and now they already share their zones of influence and “the skin of the bear not yet killed”. Why is this happening, at what point do partners pass this point of no return, and can this being avoided?!
The starting point is emotions, namely one of the main ones – EGO. When you start a business with a partner, usually a friend or a good friend, you are in equal basic conditions. Then the business develops, you start making money and your EGO wakes up, which starts telling you that you do more than your partner, spend more time and effort that 80% are your merits, and you made the wrong decisions and mistakes, how times because of your partner.
A subjective focus sets in the game, blinders appear on your eyes and carry you to an unknown distance. The second partner first listens to you, then argues, then releases his EGO and says: “What the hell” and here it is the point of no return passed. But an unequivocal answer to the question of whether it is possible to avoid, I have no such crisis. For some time now, having stepped on the same “rake” I prefer to develop my own business. It’s better to be an “arbiter” in someone else’s story, everything is clear there, there are no emotions, and logic helps everyone to separate in different angles.
Continuing the topic of team building, I want to share with you the experience of building self-governing teams. I will be frank when I read the book “Discovering the Organizations of the Future” and appreciated the sad experience of German Gref, who was very passionate about this topic after studying in the USA, I was very skeptical, did not believe that this could work in our realities. Destiny decided everything for me! A very complex request was received, it was necessary to divide the company into several parts and in one of them create a system of mobile, self-governing teams with an assessment of the effectiveness system. There were 2 teams, the first team – sales managers covering the entire territory of Russia, the second team – purchasing managers of one of the difficult segments – specialized medical equipment.
Eyes were afraid, and hands began to create! I started with the classic stage – assessing the effectiveness of each team member. Then the constant process of employee rotation. Then I introduced the system of collegiality in making strategic decisions, since it was at that moment that I was developing the company’s strategy. Democracy in the system is always followed by responsibility, some employees refused to take it. They liked to play democracy, but they were afraid to imagine where to put their freedom, how to plan their time and allocate resources. Fear of uncharted facets gave rise to resistance to change and complete irresponsibility. I was faced with exactly what I feared from the very beginning.
I began to carefully study how employees build communications inside, who is an informal leader. In order to identify the leaders, I gave them a task, each employee assembled a team, they had a strategic case, which they had to present. So I was able to identify informal leaders. Then I played a game with them, I asked the employees themselves to choose a leader, of course they were informal leaders. The informal leaders received recognition, a game of emotions, they formed a task for each employee and identified milestones, and the employees, in turn, took responsibility and began to show their adaptability. Every week we choose a new leader. Employees understood how to plan, what to do, how to achieve results, they appreciated the fullness of power that they had, and accepted responsibility. It was at this moment that they began to perceive themselves not as hired employees, but as business partners. It was this feeling that helped to conduct negotiations at a qualitatively different level, receive conditions from manufacturers and sell. Each time our meetings became shorter and more efficient, at first we spent from 2 to 4 hours on our meetings, since it took time to roll back the system and teach employees to negotiate, then we began to fit in at 1 hour.
So, it is possible to build a system of self-governing teams in Russia, but this requires a rather serious period of time for all the stages that I described above, it took me a year, and this was a company with a small number of employees. Frankly, I really liked the result and now I work with employees in this way, the results are much better than with standard management. But again, with a reservation, an employee with a certain set of knowledge and competencies can be included in such a system. This system is far from suitable for all types of business.
It is very popular to talk about the development of strategy, both in business and in personal life. Most of us have never thought about this before. On the one hand, everything was planned for our parents for many years to come, on the other hand, we “just” lived, dreamed, and went towards our goals. Something turned out, something didn’t work, sometimes the “rake” was very painful in the same place and as a result, by our own trial and error, each of us is now where he is or wanted to be. Have you ever thought how you lived through the period of becoming your personality in business or in the family, who you are a sprinter or styer or you are the very “universal soldier” ?! Sprinter is good when you need to show a result in a short period of time, but without a strategy and further prospects. Styer, good when it comes to step by step planning, prospects, long-term planning. Sprinter ignites and quickly exhales, while Styer saves resources, counts, measures 10 times and cuts off 1 time. And who is a universal soldier and is a symbiosis of these strategies possible ?! A universal soldier is your crisis manager, who sees sprinter errors, correlates them with the resources of the styer and offers your solution, without bringing you to the point of no return. When working with the business strategies of my clients I often use the “universal soldier”, as this allows me to save resources and get results. Business is a science, each time discovering and comprehending new facets of this amazingly endless universe, I am happy because I see micro and macro levels and can help the owner to develop his business further.
A few years ago I saw a book called “Do not work with assholes”, then I did not read it, because I thought that the career of a hired TOP manager and my corporate world of politics and intrigue completely suit me. In that world, I felt like a fish in water, I was set up, I was set up, cunning intrigues were played against me, and I was playing my game on the corporate field of military operations. A little bit later, circumstances developed in such a way that I had to look at the whole world, which I considered my own and comfortable on the other hand, it was then that I decided that I didn’t want it anymore, and I left to think, but how do I want . Then I came across the famous interview of Steve Jobs, he said, in my opinion, a brilliant phrase: “When I needed money, I did not go to look for a job, I went to think.” He was always a self-employed man because he valued himself and his environment. A few years later, I read this book and now I can say for sure that it very clearly shows us destructive people: subordinates, managers and even relatives who influence or try to influence our life and our decisions. Looking back on my experience and building personal and business relations with new people, there are no more despots and tyrants, egotists and tormentors, pests and instigators in my environment. I removed destructive people from my life. A few months ago I was offered a contract in the amount of several million, and I refused this contract for one simple reason, the owner of the tyrant and tyrant business. Now I choose my friends and partners very carefully, because each person whom we let into our life and space carries either positive or destructive, there is no third. We shape our environment, and our environment shapes events and development. We ourselves are responsible for this. Fasting you for thought, and the decision is always yours!
Recently, I see a lot of posts and publications on the topic of Fears and Death. Coaches and psychologists, all as one, say that we must work with our fears, be sure to work them out and that our fears and death are our powerful resource for development. I consider these statements to be very far from reality. In marketing, there are 2 of the most winning strategies on which sales and promotion are based. The most powerful strategy is a strategy that is built on human fears. Fear is the most powerful emotion of a person, it arouses curiosity, and a person eagerly pecks at what he fears. Fear of the imperfection of your brain and body compared to others that is what rules the ball the past few years and continues to actively develop. More than 90% of strategies are based on human fears, and only 10% of strategies are based on positive emotions, giving us an expanded volume of attention, rather than narrowed, as in a strategy based on fears. In other words, they dress you with blinders, like horses, and control the focus of your attention and the amount of information that they want to show you. Fear brings us to basic needs, and now think, if you go down 10 levels to the bottom, what kind of personal development or breakthrough can we talk about ?! Fear affects your body, it becomes tactilely sensitive, which is why you feel bad or start to hurt. Your brain and your body begin to synchronously send negative signals, projecting onto your future. In the present tense, you begin to look into your past and nostalgic, forgetting that in your present tense you can enjoy life and then you lose hope for the future.
In the present tense, you begin to look into your past and nostalgic, forgetting that in your present tense you can enjoy life and then you lose hope for the future. Your level of self-confidence falls, the desire to do something and move forward disappears. All this affects the speed of decision-making, you begin to make decisions in the “here and now” mode, making many mistakes. Your rationality and sensitivity to large-scale activities tends to the point 0.
Only in a positive state do we see the whole picture and understand the meaning. It is at this point that we are able and must develop our strong personal and professional qualities, forgetting about everyone else. We develop the strong competitive qualities of our customers and their sales strategies are based on positive emotions that allow them to develop and grow.
Success begins with a dream. From the dream of moral goals, about people who need help, about children who need to be cured, about a planet that needs to be saved. All successful people began the movement towards their dreams with good goals. When a person is obsessed with his dream, he sees only it and moves to it at high speeds, not paying attention to obstacles, even if they are. Hence the expression: “I see the goal, I see no obstacles.” A dream allows a person to concentrate only on his strengths, both personal and professional. Concentration on the strengths of the individual, allows them to develop, use and achieve the desired. Along with this, an amazing thing happens, the physical body, receives a dose of hormones, becomes confident and strong, sends signalsbrain interneurons , which are a factory for the production of ATF energy, which is the source and basis of human life. Due to this energy, thoughts take shape, hence the phrase combination of thought-form. We all know, if you want to realize an idea, give it a form, visualize it, but not at all and it does not always work out. The secret is that each person vibrates at a certain frequency, the higher the frequency, the higher the chances of success, respectively. What determines the frequency at which you vibrate? It depends on your thoughts, on the set of hormones that the body sends to your brain, the cleaner, more positive, nobler your thoughts, the higher your frequency. The most common emotions are fear and anxiety, these emotions vibrate at a frequency of 2.2-1.9 Hz, while forgiveness, love, gratitude increase your vibration from 150 Hz to 250 Hz. The Earth vibrated until 2014 at a frequency of 7.7-7.8 Hz, now the frequency of vibration of the Earth is 36 Hz and it continues to grow rapidly. Therefore, if you vibrate below a given frequency, you cannot realize your dreams and succeed.
All processes are interconnected, everything starts small, learn to manage a simple process that launches more complex mechanisms.
Success, how many meanings in this word for each of us and for every sound our whole nature responds. Why are some successful and others not? What is personal success? What is social success? Success has a huge number of faces, sometimes it seems that it is limitless, like the universe itself. Each person must set the criteria for his own success, but modern society does this for us, without asking us.
The communist machine for a long time plunged several generations of people into mass egalitarianism, reducing all our needs to two basic instincts: LIVE and EAT. Marking that LIVE, as long as possible, and EAT, as sweet as possible. Then, a 180-degree turn of the mass consciousness and a new paradigm, which has been and continues to say now more and more extensively, that “one’s own shirt is closer to the body.”
The class division of society has occurred not only on the material level, it has occurred on the mental levels of our consciousness and thought-forms. At first, the gap was insignificant, almost imperceptible, now it has reached such proportions that nothing can be changed, the point of no return has been passed. Is it good or bad for each of us to decide, but this is our subjective assessment of reality from the place and social status where each of us is now.
And here is the answer to the first question, why are some successful, and the second not. Everything is simple, successful think and act differently. You can read the book “The Secret” 100 times or hundreds of other books on the same topic and you can never use it in life because you are mentally “out of date”, your thoughts-forms, fears, lifestyle, etc. , do not allow you to change the image and style of thoughts, and, therefore, you cannot act and achieve a level of pure consciousness – success.
To be continued…
Many inquiries on the Internet on where to start your business. People are trying to find an idea, to understand how and where to start. Demand, as a rule, creates supply and people who do not understand the essence of their own business are trying to teach others how to do business. During my student days, I met with the work of the great thinker Plato “The State”. We had a subject called ancient mathematics, we read the works of thinkers, philosophers and compiled and drew mathematical models on them. If we draw a model of the state according to the theory of Plato, we get the geometric figures of a pyramid inside the circle, so Plato showed a class society, a system of statehood and the good and happiness of the people. This model is great for describing the stages of building your own business.
And so, why do we want to create our own business? Why do we want to take responsibility for the lives of other people? There are a lot of answers here. Business has always been created from time immemorial and continues to be created as a community, a community of people who are organized for a common, attention! GOOD!
In the tracts of ancient thinkers you can find a very interesting wording that the person who created the business created it for the happiness of others, that is, he gave happiness to people. Creating a business and taking responsibility for other people, we solve our and state tasks, as well as the tasks of people who work in the company:
At the heart of creating a business is an IDEA! That is the basis of the business plan, which should consist of 3 simple elements, and not a “sheet” in excel.
Next, you form the structure of the company, which will consist of 5 elements with simple functions:
By breaking down the very voluminous question “How to create your own business” into structured stages, we understand what, how and why? Further, it all depends on your desire, capabilities and implementation of the plan. Everyone knows that you can talk a lot and do nothing about it. “Doing is the engine.” Therefore, if you want something, start doing it as you can and no matter what other people say or think. I wish you all over the best.
Build and develop international partnership between companies aimed at improving the quality and standard of living of people around the world.
To create a favorable environment in which companies can actively develop in the changing internal and external market conditions and have an economic impact on the develop of society.
Make balanced decision and find the best way to achieve goals.
To help our customers and partners in finding new opportunities and developing new markets.
Contribute to the develop of the industry by sharing its capabilities, knowledge, professional expertise.
Develop an oasis of partnership and frankness in the modern, dynamic world of technology and become a reliable pillar you can always rely on.